
My grandparents are in town and sometimes, it seems as if they aren’t able to accept the area for what it is. For example, as we were touring the beauty of the Olympic National Park, they frequently got caught up in more mundane, touristy stuff such as taking many photographs and constantly comparing the area to hometown attractions. This seriously frustrated myself, as it seems horrible to ignore the wonder and magic of the present and be stuck in the past. However, upon review, could this be a simple characteristic that many of us share?

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How can one differentiate between bragging and merely expressing a talent? Often, one would have a talent that he/she has worked hard to better and to perfect. While this individual may take pride in what he does, how does he reveal this talent to the rest of the world without seeming as a stuck-up brat?

The differing line between being stuck up and simply expressing a talent is the manner of which an individual reminds or expresses such a talent. For example, if one was to loudly proclaim to as many people as they could possibly reach about a skill, he/she runs a large risk. While the proclamation will be sure to catch the attention of many, it will also likely anger a large number of these people, or even worse, actually convince some people. The problem with succeeding is that after you have bragged about a skill, you are now expected to be a fully-fledged expert in such a topic, much more than you likely actually are. If that is the case, is it possible to tell the world of your skill without seeming obnoxious?

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